Actions for Faculty

Page 1+ has launched! 

You can now access it via the search box on the Library Website or by visiting the Page 1+

What Action Do I Need to Take?

You will need to:

  • Update links to Library material as needed

  • Update screenshots of Library search catalogue

  • Practice searching

  • Check out your library account

Please use the following instructions to assist with these recommended actions.

Assistance is available from the library team. We encourage all users to use the permalinks that appear in Page 1+ search for sharing in the future. These links do not include proxy information, allowing for greater true permanence of the links if proxy tools need to be changed in the future.

Assistance from the Library Team

  • Email questions:
    • Request an e-appointment to discuss your situation and the best strategy (booking link)
    • Request help in Blackboard:
      • If you have a large volume of material in Blackboard, you may request assistance from the library team. Faculty may choose to temporarily add a library team member to a Blackboard course to assist in reviewing and updating links.
    • Request help with lengthy reading lists:
      • If you have high volume reading lists or bibliographies already created (more than 10 items), you may request assistance from the library team.

What happens if I have broken links?

  • We anticipate that in the majority of cases, we will be able to provide a new permalink based on the identifiers in your old link. Please contact the library with your broken link for assistance.
  • If you know the title of the content in question, search for the book or article in Page 1+ to find the new permalink. 
  • Note that only the access point is changing; the library collections and content have not changed.
  • Remember that vendors and publishers may remove content from subscription products as licenses change. Contact the library with any questions or concerns.

Page 1+ Spotlight: How to Share Content in BlackBoard

Page 1+ is the new easy-to-use search engine powering SLC Libraries. With Page 1+ you can find peer-reviewed journal articles, new movie releases, ebooks, and much more! But what happens next? How can faculty help students access these amazing library resources?

The best practice for sharing content with students is to share or post the persistent or permanent link "permalink" to content in your BlackBoard course. Every item in Page 1+ has a handy permalink to simply copy and paste. A permalink from Page 1+ means that you will always have the most up-to-date access point to return to your selected content. Using permalinks in BlackBoard ensures St. Lawrence is complying with Fair Dealing exceptions of the Copyright Act. 

Search Page 1+ here:

How to identify the Page 1+ permalink:

screen shot of page 1+ search results

screen shot of page 1+ search results

What information do I need to include in BlackBoard? 

Include the Page 1+ permalink and a full citation or complete bibliographic information (attribution). An auto-generated citation tool is also available in each Page 1+ item record.

Example: eBook citation and Page 1+ permalink:

Hokowhitu, Moreton-Robinson, A., Tuhiwai-Smith, L., Andersen, C., & Larkin, S. (2021). Routledge handbook of critical Indigenous studies (Hokowhitu, A. Moreton-Robinson, L. Tuhiwai-Smith, C. Andersen, & S. Larkin, Eds.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 01OCLS_STLAW/1vggncg/alma991000890070307324

It's that easy! If you have any questions, contact Copyright inquiries may be sent to

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