Loan Periods

Collection Loan Period Note
Fiction, non-fiction, paperbacks, graphic novels, childrens Three weeks (21 days) with automatic renewal twice (63 days)

Holds/reservations available.

Up to twenty (20) books may be borrowed at once. The library does not provide bags, please plan accordingly.

Print Periodicals (magazines, journals) In library use only No holds/reservations available.
Reserves (Short-term Loan) Three hours

No holds/reservations available.

Reserves may be borrowed for a maximum of three (3) hours during the day for use on-campus.

Up to three (3) reserve books may be borrowed at once.

Select reserve items may be available under a special seven (7) day loan.

ECE Toys, felt stories One week (7 days)

ONLY available through holds/reservations.

Up to two (2) toys and two (2) felt story may be borrowed at once.

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