Any questions or concerns about accessibility at St. Lawrence College can be directed to Student Wellness & Accessibility (SWA).
It is the commitment of SLC Libraries to make every reasonable effort to facilitate use of the collections and services by all library users.
Assistance is available from library staff for:
Assistance is available from library staff for:
CNIB Library offers people with print disabilities (visual, physical, or learning) access to CNIB resources free-of-charge. You can browse thousands of titles, available for download or home delivery, on the CNIB Library website.
To request current course textbooks in an alternative format, please fill out this form. Students are still required to purchase their course materials and provide us with proof of purchase. One of these three types of proof-of purchase will suffice. If possible, please combine all of your receipts into one PDF for upload to the form.
1) For books purchased new or used, receipts/invoices must contain the following:
amount paid
2) For books purchased second-hand from a non-traditional marketplace (eBay, Kijiji, Facebook, etc), please write your name in pen on the title page of the book and include your student card next to it. A photo will suffice to prove you own the book. Please follow the example in this image.
3) For books rented, please provide a copy of your rental agreement.
SLC Libraries makes every effort to serve our communities and facilitate requests for new material or alternative formats for all of our patrons. However, individuals with a verified "perceptual disability" are eligible to use the provincial Accessible Content e-Portal (ACE) service to make library book requests.
The Accessible Content e-Portal (ACE) is a collaborative project that supports users with print and perceptual disabilities at participating Ontario colleges and universities by making library collections accessible through an online platform. ACE contains a variety of library books which have been digitized and made available in accessible formats.
The Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE) provides alternative formats for print material held in our Library collection, including colour and black and white PDFs, DAISY, ePub and plain text. ACE is a service provided by Scholars Portal.
This service is limited to library users with a documented "perceptual disability" as per the Copyright Act. Contact to receive an ACE token. Once you have received an ACE token:
If the book you need is not available in ACE, contact as we are able to initiate the digitization of unique items.
If you do not meet this eligibility, we will work with you to find library or other materials in different formats. We can also add different formats to our collection upon request and vendor/publisher availability. Not every publisher makes content available in alternate formats for us to acquire.
In accordance with the Communication and Information Standards of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, St. Lawrence College Library will provide, upon request, an accessible or conversion ready format of print-based resources held in its collection* to registered students, faculty or staff with a verified “perceptual disability” in accordance with the definition provided in the Canadian Copyright Act.
The Canadian Copyright Act defines a “perceptual disability” as follows:
Canadian Copyright Act
“perceptual disability” means a disability that prevents or inhibits a person from reading or hearing a literary, musical, dramatic or artistic work in its original format, and includes such a disability resulting from
(a) severe or total impairment of sight or hearing or the inability to focus or move one’s eyes,
(b) the inability to hold or manipulate a book, or
(c) an impairment relating to comprehension;
*Special collections, archival materials, rare books and donations are exempt under this standard.