About Textbooks

Do I need to buy a textbook for my class?

Required reading lists are developed by faculty and may include textbooks or books that students are expected to purchase for their own use. Some courses do not have required textbooks, or the course readings are made available to students via links to the online library. The type of assigned reading may vary by course throughout your program. Students are responsible for ensuring they have the required course materials. Required materials lists are posted on the SLC.me student portal and purchases may be made through the College Bookstores. Students who are having difficulty with finances associated with purchasing their required materials may contact their Student Success Facilitator or Financial Aid Office.


Can I borrow my textbook from the library instead of buying it? 

The library has limited access to the required textbooks listed on course booklists. Try searching the library website for the title of your book to see if a print or ebook copy is available. Contact the library for assistance. Print copies that may be available on short term loan are intended to provide supplemental and/or temporary access for multiple students. Short term loan is typically a 3-hour loan only.


A Note about Required Textbooks and Library Lending

The library has offered a supplemental service where some popular print textbooks or older editions may be available in the library collections for short-term loan. Availability is not guaranteed. Where possible, the library will acquire electronic editions of course materials as a supplemental service. Due to publisher restrictions, most traditional textbooks (publishers such as McGraw Hill, Pearson, Nelson, Elsevier, Cengage, and others) are not available for library licensing and distribution. Faculty may contact the library for options when selecting course material. 


Open Educational Resources (OER) Support for Faculty

The Library Team is available to assist faculty in finding appropriate Open Educational Resources (OERS) to use in the classroom. Selecting OERs instead of a traditional textbook removes out-of-pocket costs to students and ensures free online, accessible, and barrier-free access for all students from the first day of your class. To learn more, contact the library or the School of Contemporary Teaching and Learning (SCTL) teams at SLC. 

Information for Faculty

Faculty needing required-reading course material in the library collection must fill out our Purchase Request form.

Please use the form below to request a purchase.

How to Search for Books in the Library

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