The Microsoft Word Plug-in makes it easy to add an in-text citation. For information on downloading the Microsoft Word Plug-in, visit the  Installing Zotero and Creating an Account tab. Please note: this tool does not always create accurate citations. It is still your responsibility to ensure the citation is in the appropriate format required for your assignment.

1. Open Zotero

2. Open Microsoft Word.

3. Click on the "Zotero" tab in Microsoft Word (Zotero must remain open in the background in order for Microsoft Word to connect to the application).

screenshot of zotero tab in Microsoft Word

4. Click "Add / Edit Citation".

screenshot for adding or editing citation button

5. A red box with the Zotero logo will pop up for you to begin searching within your Zotero Library for the resource you would like to cite. You can search by title, author or publication information. 

 screenshot of search box

6. When the appropriate resource populates, click on it to add the citation to your document.

You can easily create a bibliography using the Word Processor plug-in (for instructions on how to download the plug-in, visit the  Installing Zotero and Creating an Account tab). Please note: this tool does not always create accurate bibliographies. It is still your responsibility to ensure the bibliography is in the appropriate format required for your assignment.

1. Open Zotero.

2. Open Microsoft Word.

3. Add citations to your document using the instructions in the box above - "Adding Citations in Microsoft Word".

4. Once all of your citations have been added, click "Add/ Edit Bibliography".screenshot of adding or editing bibliogrphy button

5. A bibliography of all of your citations should be created. Remember to check the bibliography for accuracy.

Zotero allows you to copy the text of your bibliography to paste in a Word document, e-mail, etc. Please note: this tool does not always create accurate bibliographies. It is still your responsibility to ensure the bibliography is in the appropriate format required for your assignment.

1. Open Zotero.

2. Right click on the collection name you wish to create a bibliography for.

3. Select "Create Bibliography from Collection".

screenshot of how to create a bibliography in zotero

4. Select the appropriate Citation Style (for example, American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition).

5. Select "Bibliography" as the output mode.

6. Select "Copy to Clipboard".

screenshot of bibliography options when saving to clipboard

7. The text of your bibliography is now saved to your clipboard. To paste it, either right click where you want to put the text and click "paste" or press CTRL and V on your keyboard. Remember to check the bibliography for accuracy.

Zotero allows you to save the text of your bibliography as a file to open in Microsoft Word, send as an e-mail attachment, etc. Please note: this tool does not always create accurate bibliographies. It is still your responsibility to ensure the bibliography is in the appropriate format required for your assignment.

1. Open Zotero.

2. Right click on the collection name you wish to create a bibliography for.

3. Select "Create Bibliography from Collection".

screenshot of how to create a bibliography in zotero

4. Select the appropriate Citation Style (for example, American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition).

5. Select "Bibliography" as the output mode.

6. Select "Save as RTF" (this stands for Rich Text Format).

screenshot of creating a bibliography options when saving as an RTF file

7. Select the location on your computer for where you would like the file saved.

8. You can now open the file with Microsoft Word or send it as an e-mail attachment.

SLC Libraries and Academic Support Centres. (2021, April 20). SLC Libraries Tutorial - Zotero and Microsoft Word [Video]. YouTube.

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