
This guide provides links to selected resources available from the SLC Libraries on the topics of Anti-Racism and discrimination. This is not an exhaustive list, but a starting point. To suggest resources please contact Libraries@sl.on.ca

SLC Libraries recognizes the discriminatory terminology found in established Library of Congress Subject Headings. We are actively working with Provincial partners to update our records with appropriate language.

What Do We Mean By ...

"To create an equal society, we must commit to making unbiased choices and being antiracist in all aspects of our lives. .. Being antiracist is fighting against racism. Racism takes several forms and works most often in tandem with at least one other form to reinforce racist ideas, behavior, and policy." -  Talking About Race, National Museum of African American History and Culture.


"No one is born racist or antiracist; these result from the choices we make. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent, consistent, equitable choices daily. These choices require ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection as we move through life. In the absence of making antiracist choices, we (un)consciously uphold aspects of white supremacy, white-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society. Being racist or antiracist is not about who you are; it is about what you do." -  Talking About Race, National Museum of African American History and Culture

"In social justice work the term Ally is often defined as a noun; a person who uses their privilege to advocate on behalf of someone else who doesn’t hold that same privilege. Allyship is one of the first action-oriented tools one learns in social justice and bias trainings. Awareness of injustices; racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, and ableism (to name a few) is of course, the first step toward advocacy, but awareness alone is not enough to dismantle systems of oppression. To be an Ally requires that a person not simply notice an injustice, but also take action by bringing attention to the injustice and requesting that it be corrected." 


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