If you are having difficulty in one or more of your courses, the Peer Tutoring Program may be of benefit to you. Peer Tutors provide practice and review of course material to help students enhance their understanding of the course content.
Peer Tutoring is available for most courses in most programs but is subject to Peer Tutor availability.
If you would like to request a peer tutor please fill in the Peer Tutor Request Form.
Students who are strong academically in their courses may be interested in becoming a Peer Tutor. Peer Tutors should possess excellent communication skills and a friendly, helpful attitude. The rewards of becoming a Peer Tutor include extra income, excellent experience, reinforcement of your own knowledge and the satisfaction of helping others.
If you are interested in becoming a peer tutor, please contact PeerTutorProgram@sl.on.ca.
For further information or support, contact the Peer Tutoring office at PeerTutorProgram@sl.on.ca or by phone 613-544-5400 extension 1632
For more information on other Academic Supports please visit the Academic Support Centre page.