Identify OER Funding Opportunities

This module will help faculty explore ways to fund OER projects at SLC.


In the very early days of OER, a handful of foundations such as the  William and Flora Hewlett Foundation led the way in funding OER projects across the globe. Today, funding for OER remains limited, although more diversified. Individuals and colleges may explore a range of sources to support their OER work, including those listed below.

  • International Funds

For example, the  Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship Program provides funding for individuals working on OER and open initiatives, globally.

  • Provincial Funds

​​​​​​​Check out, for example, eCampusOntario’s  Open Content Development Fund.

  • Local Research Funds

​​​​​​​Start by asking your college about existing research grants, and whether the development of OER may be funded as part of those research grants.

  • Other Local Funds

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Check with your college to see if funds, refreshments, or time off are offered for OER projects and events, such as sprints to create new OER.


Introductory text a derivative of content within Starting an OER Initiative  by  Open Education Consortium, licensed under  CC BY 4.0

Below are examples of ways that faculty may collaborate with library staff and others to seek OER funding.

  • Ask library staff if they are aware of grant/funding opportunities, or if they could research new funding opportunities
  • Team up with other faculty to develop grant proposals for OER
  • Team up with colleagues to approach your department or local faculty development program about supporting sprints or professional learning meetings around OER on your campus

Additional Options

In addition to financial support, consider ways to leverage existing projects or collaborative opportunities as a means to support your OER work:

  • Faculty projects may be available (or required) for new faculty at your institution, and can serve as an opportunity to develop OER. Check, for example, the  College Educator Development Program about possible project opportunities.
  • You may be able to request time in your Standard Workload Formula for the development of OER.
  • Consider organizing a development "sprint", as a way to collaboratively create OER with limited or no funding. See the  Collaborating Module in this toolkit for more information on organizing sprints. See also the guide in the tools section of this module, below.



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